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Reiki for Surgeries
By Dr. Lourdes Gray
"There is a lot of confusion out there regarding how to administer Reiki to patients who will be undergoing surgery. Some Reiki Masters recommend treating only a specific part of the body, such as the shoulders. Others recommend treating the head in an effort to decrease the tension and anxiety related to the impending surgery. Although these partial treatments may offer some value, there is a specific protocol that was taught by Hawayo Takata, the woman who brought Reiki to the West, and by John Harvey Gray, who was the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the West, until his passing into spirit in January 2011. I would like to share this specific protocol with you.
Reiki Treatment Prior to Surgery
Administering Reiki prior to surgery can be helpful to the person (or animal) by preparing his or her mind/body for the procedure. Reiki works with the natural healing process of the body. Since Reiki is a balancing and harmonizing energy, it helps to release stress and tension and places the body in its optimal state for healing. Reiki is not just for physical healing. Reiki works at all levels ... physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The very first step is to get permission of the person who is undergoing or has undergone the surgery to treat him or her with Reiki. If the person's energy level is in the average or good range, you may give a complete Reiki session the same day or on the eve of the surgery, doing all three Reiki patterns (front of the torso; head, neck and shoulders; back of the torso, back of the knees and the plantar surface of the feet). Administer Reiki in each of the positions for two to three minutes each. However, if the person's energy level is low, then it would be more beneficial to him or her to receive a series of Reiki sessions prior to surgery. Start at least one week prior to surgery, giving daily sessions (same three patterns, 5 minutes per position). If you are a Reiki II Practitioner or above, you may use the mental/emotional symbol during the second pattern to give a mental treatment to the body ... readying it for the procedure. During the mental treatment, you may wish to do a visualization of the person having a successful surgery and healing very quickly. Remember that the mental/emotional symbol also activates a communication pathway that allows you to communicate with the person's Higher-Self (the body's healing process.)
Reiki Treatment Post Surgery
During surgery, you, as Reiki II level practitioners or above, can be giving the person or animal an absent treatment aka Reiki distance treatment. This can be very effective. I remember giving a relative of mine an absent treatment while she went into labor and I could feel each contraction. A Reiki absent treatment during the surgery itself will help to reduce stress levels and support the body's ability to undergo the procedure. It would also be a good idea to give a Reiki absent treatment to the surgical team. Give them a group absent treatment in the second pattern. You may do a mental/emotional treatment focusing on their being alert, focused, and calm ... while working efficiently.
After surgery, treat the patient with Reiki as you would an emergency treatment (injury). Go to the affected site ... the surgical incision, and deliver Reiki energy from above (3 to 5 inches above the body). Do not touch the incision. The area would be too tender and the weight of your hands would be too uncomfortable for the patient. Simply hover over the area. You will feel a great surge of energy flow there. Stay there until the flow decreases. The length of time will vary from case to case. On average, a good 30 minutes to one hour of Reiki would be helpful. After treating the incision, release the memory of the surgery from the body by treating the adrenal glands. Takata said, the adrenal glands hold the memory of an injury (or surgery) in the body. In order for the body to be able to heal better, one should release the cell memory of the procedure from the body. Treat the adrenal glands from the back (third pattern, top of positions 3 and 4). In most cases, the adrenal glands will absorb a good amount of energy when they are active. Most Reiki Practitioners experience a great deal of heat and tingling during the treatment; administer Reiki to the adrenal glands until your hands cool off. On average it takes 10 minutes for this to happen. If the person cannot lie down prone, you may treat the adrenal glands from the front of the body by placing your hands over the top of positions 1 and 2 of the first pattern. Since the energy has to travel through the body to reach the adrenal glands, on average, you will need to treat (from the front) for approximately 20 minutes.
You may also do the post surgery Reiki treatment absentee. Either way, it is helpful to use the mental/emotional symbol in the second pattern to communicate with the patient's body. Visualize the person or animal healing quickly and completely ... feeling strong, happy and healthy.
Reiki Treatments During the Period of Convalescence
For the first week or so following surgery, continue to administer Reiki treatments daily. Do either hands-on or absent treatments. Treat as you would a chronic condition, givingcomplete treatments. Concentrate more time over the area that had surgery (do not touch the body ... work from above). Remember to include mental/emotional treatments to support the body's healing process. Depending on how well the person is doing, you may gradually decrease the frequency of treatments ... for example, three treatments during the second week, two treatments the third week, etc. As always, we welcome questions. If you have a question or comment regarding this article, please go to our facebook page and post your question there. We will be more than happy to answer it.